Smart move allows you to estimate the cost (financial and ecological) of acquiring a car per year and suggests alternatives.



Financial cost

Smart move allows to establish the financial cost of the acquisition and maintenance of a personal car. We use city statistics to get an estimate. We only need: the price of the car and its insurance and the price of the parking & the type of gasoline of the car as well as an estimation of the mileage with the consumption

Ecological cost

Smart move allows to establish the ecological cost of the acquisition and the use of a car. We base our calculations on average CO2 emissions. We only need: the type of gasoline of the car as well as an estimation of the mileage with the consumption & the CO2 emission rate


There are many alternatives to the car. Smart move recommends the best alternative means of transportation for your use. And the information you have entered. Smart move tries to offer you as many alternatives as possible so that you can make the best possible choice.


Owning a car is a big expense. It generates a number of costs that we do not imagine (insurance, maintenance, parking ...). In general we are unable to estimate it. That's why Smart move exists and helps you find the best possible alternative.

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